One-Off Sessions for individuals and groups alike (class length: 50min) ⌄
1. How and Why Jews Study This Way
Jewish textual studies require a trip to a spiritual orchard. Let's take a journey over a page of Torah. There we will see how Jewish wisdom intersects with Jewish life.
2. Fear and Awe
What's the difference between these two spiritual poles and what do they ask of you? Let's explore the fear and awe in the God encounter.
3. Evil in our Lives and the World
Evil has a name, and we will give it a voice. More importantly, we will learn where to find the voice of good.
4. Seeing Oneself as a Giant (And not a Grasshopper)
When you look in the mirror, what do you see? Sometimes those images may appear different from the way they actually are. Have you been deceived?
5. Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Crossing the Red Seas in our Lives
These moments happen more often than we all acknowledge. Let's talk about those difficult moments when we had to take the first with uncertainty.
6. Spiritual Darkness
The ninth plague wasn’t just a random black-out over Egypt. Something far more nefarious crept in and blinded everyone, even some Israelites.
7. When is it Enough? The Good-Enough Life.
Marie Kondo doesn't have anything on the Jewish art of Dayeinu! (Enough!) Let's take a look at what the spiritual art of satisfaction looks like.
8. Wrestling w/ God and Ourselves
Wrestling with God/faith/life is what it means to be Jewish. Let's take a step inside the ring and confront the Sitra Achra - the “Shadow.”
9. The Difference Between Wisdom and Deeds
Which do you think has more value in the world, what you acquire or what you do? If you were a tree, what part of you would be your wisdom, what part would be your deeds?
10. Spiritual Prep for Passover (Holiday Special - 1.5hrs and can include an additional class)
Better than Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure. We are going to take a trip back in time to Egypt and confront our inner Moses, Miriam, Aaron, Israelite, Pharaoh, and more!
11. My Cup Overflows: Looking at the World Through God's Eyes
Have you ever wanted to know what it looks like to stop and smell the roses? Well, it's time we invested some ordinary moments with holiness.
12. Giving Someone the Benefit of the Doubt
It's not easy, but it is so necessary to do. Let's have a conversation that challenges our preconceived notions about each other.
13. I’m Right, So You Must Be Wrong! - Truth and Spiritual Destruction
As the Israeli poet Yehudah Amichai says: From the place where we are right, never will there sprout flowers in the spring. The place where we are right is trampled and hard. Like a courtyard.
14. The Torah of the Alef-Bet (Hebrew Alpha-Bet)
Did you think the Alef-Bet was just funny looking letters and reasons to make weird sounds with your voice? It turns out it's something much more profound.
15. A Father's Duties to their Children
A class directed at anyone who identifies as male and a father.
16. A Man's Duties to their Spouse
A class directed at anyone who identifies as a male spouse.
17. In a Place Where There Are No Men, Strive to Be a Man.
A few good men, that's all we are looking for. However, what does it take to get there? How does one strive to be a man? It begins by acting with integrity and taking accountability for one's actions.
18. Torah and MeToo
The Jewish tradition is nowhere close to silent on this current issue that concerns all of us. Parental Advisory: Adult sexual themes presented in this class.
19. Patience is a Virtue
One from my personal toolbox. I've been trying to master this character trait ever since Morah Nettie, my kindergarten teacher, introduced it to me over 30 years ago.
20. Moses’ Family and Intermarriage
One of the best stories about a family of different backgrounds and traditions, making it work is found right here in the Torah. Let's take a lesson from Moses and his father-in- law.
21. Noah - Safe or Shut-In?
Sure, Noah's ark carried everyone on board to dry ground. However, don't think of it as a life-saving vessel. There's a reason Noah and his family were stuck on it for so long.
22. Repentance in the Jewish Tradition
It's not easy to ask for forgiveness and to change our ways. However, our tradition prescribes one for us with a few steps. Let's talk about the spectrum of difficulty when it comes to growing.
23. Exploring the Names of God
Our tradition offers us a myriad of names for God. Let's explore some of them together. Perhaps one, or a few, will resonate with you? Maybe you'll learn something about your relationship with God?
24. False Prophets
Plenty of people love the spotlight and the microphone. Sometimes they like it a little too much, and that makes them more real. Let's take a close look at what makes a prophet a false one.
25. Chasing Perfection
If the idea suggested in the title resonates with you, then please join us for this class. Each one of us is chasing after something for some reason.
26. Are You Sure this is the Pharaoh You Know and Hate?
Here is a side of Pharaoh that you may not have considered. This passover let’s challenge that fixed image of the greatest task-master of all.
27. Are You Sure this is the Joseph You Know and Love?
This is a story of Joseph that wasn't in the Broadway musical, and its definitely not as colorful. Let's take a closer look at Joseph and his accomplishments "saving" Egypt.
28. The Real Miracle of Hanukkah (It's not the candles!)
Here's a hint: It's not about the oil lasting for eight days. Let's learn about the truly miraculous feats that took place during the time of Maccabees.
29. What Makes for an Inflated Ego, and How Do We Clean It Up? (Hametz)
If you don't think this class applies to you, you may need to attend. Let's take a moment to examine ourselves for the little crumbs of an inflated self.
30. Shabbat - An Approach to the Problem of Time.
Let's take a look at what our tradition and modern philosophy have to say about the Sabbath. This class will offer a spiritual approach to Shabbat.
31. The Difference Between Wandering and Being Lost
We are the people of Israel and of "the Book." However, did you ever notice we spend so much time wandering? Why is wandering such a big part of our story?
32. Elijah Stories
He pops up all over the place in our tradition, not just on Passover or at the end of Shabbat. Let's take a look at some of the best Elijah stories our tradition has to offer.
33. Maimonides Ladder of Righteousness
It's not easy to open your hand to someone in need. There is often a lot to think about during what's usually brief interaction. Luckily, Maimonides offers us a glimpse into an exciting process.
34. Imagining the Death of Moses
Jewish lore offers us an intimate glimpse into Moses' final moments. I wonder what we might learn about our lives as Moses wrestles with his death.
35. Afraid and Not Afraid to Die
Let's have a frank conversation about each of our lives using poetry and music to draw us out.
36. Theology for 4-Year Olds
Have you ever gotten one of those BIG questions from a kid? Has it made you feel like a deer in headlights? Don't be afraid; help is on the way!
37. Giving the Benefit of Doubt
We live in an increasingly polarized society where it’s hard to trust people outside of our bubbles. We must rise above and see people as more than just their opinions.
38. Is OK To Be Me? Integrity vs Despair in the Jewish Tradition
Erik Erikson identified a crucial stage in our lives and our tradition offers a glimpse into what it might actually look and feel like.
39. Mastering Emotions
One of the greatest lessons I have learned is that my emotions can be completely wrong sometimes. Something the rabbis of the Talmud could have learned about too!
40. Tuesdays w/ Torah - 52/365
A weekly Torah class based on each section of our most central text with a contemporary lesson for the soul.